Proof-of-Concept Experiment on Quasi-Phase-Matching of High-Order Harmonic Generation Based on Selected-Zoning Method
Yao-Li Liu1*, Shin-Chi Kao2, Yi-Yong Ou Yang2, Zhong-Ming Zhang2, Hsu-Hsin Chu2,3
1Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan
3Center for High Energy and High Field Physics, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yao-Li Liu,
Using the transverse selective-zoning method, we present a proof-of-concept experiment for all-optical quasi-phase-matching (QPM) of high-order harmonic generation (HHG). We pre-determine the dephasing length and identify the out-of-phase regions within the interaction medium by employing a tomographic analysis of the generation process. Subsequently, a transverse disruptive pulse is applied to suppress harmonic emission in the out-of-phase regions, enabling QPM. This approach results in a 35% enhancement of the final output with only a single QPM zone.
Keywords: High-Order Harmonic Generation, Quasi-phase-matching, Selected-Zoning Method