Observation of Anomalous Quantum Hall Effect in magnetic topological material Mn2Sb2Te5
Ankush Saxena1*
1Physics, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
* Presenter:Ankush Saxena, email:ankush.nplindia@gmail.com
Materials that exhibit both magnetism and topological states are a key focus in quantum materials research. Recently, Mn2(Bi/Sb)2Te5 has garnered attention for its potential to exhibit topological surface states alongside intrinsic magnetic order. In this study, we explored the magnetic and topological characteristics of Mn2Sb2Te5 single crystals. Magnetization experiments revealed a spin glass state with field-induced ferromagnetism. Although heat capacity measurements did not indicate long-range magnetic order, the anomalous Hall effect observed in transverse magneto-transport measurements confirmed the presence of ferromagnetic order in Mn2Sb2Te5. Furthermore, angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the existence of a topological Dirac cone. Our findings offer new insights into the interplay of magnetism and topological features in Mn2Sb2Te5, positioning the Mn2(Bi/Sb)2Te5 system as a promising platform for exploring magnetic topological states.

Keywords: Magnetic Topological Insulator, Anomalous quantum hall effect, Magneto-transport, Quantum material, ARPES