Prospects of H->WW* measurements with LHC Run-3 data using ATLAS detector
Yun-Ju Lu1*
1Institute of Physics, Academia sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yun-Ju Lu,
Being the decay channel with the second largest Higgss decay branching ratio, the measurements of Higgs decay into a pair of w bosons play an important role in both Higgs discovery and later in Higgs combined measurements using various decay modes. Starting from 2022, Large Hadron Collider(LHC) has started its third run and delivered over 180/fb of data during the Run-3 operation to the date with slightly larger centre-of-mass energy, 13.6 TeV, compared to Run-2. On the ATLAS detector side, the trigger system is updated for the Run-3 operation. This talk aims to discuss the physical prospects of the H->WW* measurements using ATLAS detector including what we expect with Run-3 data as well as new analysis methods.
Keywords: ATLAS, LHC, Higgs