Quantum Walks on NISQ Computers: From Topological Aubry-André-Harper (AAH) Models to Flat-Band Systems
Mrinal Kanti Giri1*, Pochung Chen1
1Department of Physics, NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Mrinal Kanti Giri, email:mrinalphy333@gmail.com
We have investigated the realization of quantum dynamics on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computer, focusing on two key systems: quantum walks in the topological off-diagonal Aubry-André-Harper (AAH) model and dynamics in flat-band systems with control mechanisms. The topological AAH model provides a framework to study the interplay between topology and disorder, while flat-band systems offer insights into the localization and dispersive behaviors caused by geometric frustration. We have simulated single-particle quantum walks on these models using NISQ devices and demonstrate how such platforms can be employed to explore topological properties and transport phenomena in flat-band systems. We address the challenges posed by noise and decoherence, and propose control dynamics and circuit optimization techniques to enhance the accuracy of these simulations. Our findings underscore the potential of NISQ quantum computers to investigate quantum dynamics in topological and flat-band systems, offering a pathway for future explorations of more complex quantum models.

Keywords: quantum computation, quantum simulation, topological quantum computing, quantum transport, quantum walk