Update on the Recent South Pole Deployment and the Status of the IceCube Upgrade and Gen2
Anatoli Fedynitch1*
1Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Anatoli Fedynitch, email:anatoli.fedynitch@icecube.wisc.edu
The IceCube Gen1 experiment at the South Pole in Antarctica has been an outstanding success, continuing to deliver significant results after 15 years of operation. The ongoing IceCube Upgrade, which will add seven new dense strings to the existing 86-string configuration, is designed to enhance sensitivity to atmospheric neutrinos in the GeV range, install instrumentation to reduce systematic uncertainties in the ice, and serve as a testbed for new detector concepts in preparation for Gen2. This upgrade is scheduled for completion by early 2026. As a member of the Drill Team, I recently traveled to the South Pole and will share firsthand insights into the preparations for deploying the new strings next year. Additionally, I will provide an update on the status of the IceCube-Gen2 extension, with construction expected to begin in the early 2030s.
Keywords: Astroparticle, Neutrinos, Cosmic Rays, South Pole, IceCube