Orbital Chern insulators in Honeycomb Pnictogen Monolayers
Yueh-Ting Yao1*, Arun Bansil2, Hsin Lin3, Tay-Rong Chang1,4,5
1Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
3Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
4Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research and Technology (QFort), Tainan, Taiwan
5Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yueh-Ting Yao, email:ytyao1001@gmail.com
The Orbital Hall Effect is characterized by the transport of electrons through the orbital angular momentum degree of freedom. The orbital Hall insulating state can be viewed as a novel topological state that arises from an orbital Chern insulator. Here we discuss the orbital Chern insulators in the honeycomb pnictogen monolayers, such as blue-phosphorene, arsenene, and β-antimonene, by defining the orbital Chern number (CL) via the feature-spectrum topology approach [1]. Note that the orbital Chern insulator state in pnictogen honeycomb monolayers is generally not driven by spin-orbit coupling. We find CL=2 in the honeycomb pnictogen monolayer family, which signifies the presence of non-trivial Lz-feature edge states that connect distinct Lz sectors. Furthermore, the orbital Chern number is equal to the number of non-trivial edge states [2]. These edge states are situated within the bulk energy gap, isolated from both the valance and conduction bands. Our study opens a new pathway for exploring topological materials categorized by the orbital angular momentum.

[1] B. Wang, Y.-C. Hung, X. Zhou, T. Ong, and H. Lin, Feature spectrum topology. arXiv:2310.14832 (2022)
[2] Yueh-Ting Yao et al., Feature-energy duality of topological boundary states in a multilayer quantum spin Hall insulator. Phys. Rev. B 109, 155143 (2024)

Keywords: Topological Material, Orbital Chern Insulator, Honeycomb Pnictogen Monolayer