Programmable order by disorder effect and underlying phases through dipolar quantum simulators
Huan-Kuang Wu1, Takafumi Suzuki2, Naoki Kawashima3, Wei-Lin Tu4,5*
1Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA
2Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, Hyogo, Japan
3Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
4Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
5Keio University Sustainable Quantum Artificial Intelligence Center (KSQAIC), Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
* Presenter:Wei-Lin Tu,
Quantum many-body physics mainly aims to elucidate novel quantum phenomena emerging within matter. It also holds significant importance for other artificial many-body models, such as the toric code, in other aspects like the quantum computation. By placing atoms in optical lattices using Rydberg or cold atoms, various quantum many-body scenarios have been reproduced in quantum simulators. This study [1] aims to demonstrate a stable ground state by investigating the order-by-disorder effect on the degeneracy phenomenon within a two-dimensional triangular lattice caused by quantum fluctuations using perturbation theory and the tensor network PEPS method. This result is predicted to be further substantiated by quantum simulators. Moreover, by controlling the dipole interactions using cold atoms, it has become possible to realize extraordinary quantum phases. We believes that these findings can be utilized to benchmark the two-dimensional quantum simulators that will become further practical in the future.
[1] Huan-Kuang Wu, Takafumi Suzuki, Naoki Kawashima, and Wei-Lin Tu, Programmable order by disorder effect and underlying phases through dipolar quantum simulators, Physical Review Research 6, 023297 (2024).
Keywords: Quantum simulation, Rydberg atoms & molecules, Cluster methods, Perturbation theory, Projected entangled pair states