The likely route to superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 thin films
Jiunn-Yuan Lin1*
1IInstitute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Jiunn-Yuan Lin,
Very recently, La3Ni2O7 (LNO) single and polycrystals have been proven to show superconductivity up to 80 K under extreme pressure. If LNO superconductivity can be free from high pressure, its impact on both sciences and applications can be enormous. Here we report the physical properties of LNO ultrathin films fabricated by pulse laser deposition. The charge density wave in bulk samples disappears and a strange metal emerges, indicating the sample is toward to edge of superconductivity. We shall show the details of the structure analysis on the thin films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy on Ni L and O K edges is utilized to reveal the nature of the electronic states in LNO thin films.

Keywords: La3Ni2O7 , superconductivity, thin film