Unequivocal identification of spin-triplet superconductors with upper critical field and flux quantization
Chih-Chieh Chiang1,2*, Hung-Chieh Lee1, Shi-Chieh Lin3, Danru Qu3, Ming-Wen Chu3, Chii-Dong Chen4, C. L. Chien1,2, Ssu-Yen Huang1
1Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2Willian H. Miller III Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
3Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
4Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Chih-Chieh Chiang, email:ccchiang112@gmail.com
Superconductors (SCs) with spin-triplet pairings are significant for developing quantum computation and exploring Majorana physics. The pairing state of Cooper pairs can have spin-singlet and spin-triplet, but most known SCs are spin-singlet. In centrosymmetric SCs, the pairing state must be either spin-singlet (even parity) or spin-triplet (odd parity). However, noncentrosymmetric SCs with broken inversion symmetries host a mixture of singlet and triplet states. In this work, we demonstrate two methods – kink-point upper critical field and half-quantum flux can simultaneously detect spin-triplet pairings in centrosymmetric SC β-Bi2Pd, and noncentrosymmetric SC α-BiPd, but the BCS-like results and integer quantization in centrosymmetric γ-BiPd indicating spin-singlet pairing. The kink-point upper critical field and phase-sensitive measurements are essential for exploring triplet superconductors and their quantum properties. [1]
[1] C. C. Chiang, H. C. Lee, S. C. Lin, D. Qu, M. W. Chu, C. D. Chen, C. L. Chien, and S. Y. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 236003 (2023).
Keywords: Phase-sensitive measurement, Spin-triplet Superconductor, upper critical field