A mean field model of contact line stick-slip dynamics
Jen-Yu Lo1*, Hsuan-Yi Chen1,2,3
1Department of Physics and Center for Complex Systems, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
3Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Jen-Yu Lo, email:a44a4422@gmail.com
Recent experiments on the stick-slip motion of the contact line between a liquid-air and a liquid-solid interface [1] showed interesting statistical behaviors: (i) The duration of slip follows a power-law distribution. (ii) The critical force beyond which slips are initiated follows a generalized extreme value distribution. (iii) The effective spring constant of the force landscape due to solid surface heterogeneity is exponentially distributed. Although some aspects of the above observations can have a simple theoretical explanation, a theory that connects these statistics to the heterogeneity of the solid surface is still not available.
A mean-field model that treated the contact line as a set of globally coupled springs is presented here to fill the gap in our theoretical understanding of the stick-slip motion of a contact line. Our model provides the link between the statistics of the solid surface heterogeneity and the stochastic stick-slip motion of the contact line, and it also shows that contact line motion and the celebrated ABBM model of Barkhausen crackling noise [2][3].

[1] C. Yan, D. Guan, Y. Wang, P-Y Lai, H-Y Chen, and P. Tong, Avalanches and extreme value statistics of a mesoscale moving contact line, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 084003 (2024).
[2] F. Colaiori, Exactly solvable model of avalanches dynamics for Barkhausen crackling noise, Adv. Phys., 57, 287 (2008).
[3] B. Alessandro, C. Beatrice, G. Bertotti, and A. Motorsi, Doman-wall dynamics and Barkhausen effect in metallic ferromagnetic materials. I. Theory, J. Appl. Phys., 68, 2901 (1990).

Keywords: stick-slip motion, contact line hysteresis, surface heterogeneity, ABBM model