Dual-beam optical trapping system for micro-scale aerosol particles
yangyi Lee1*, 趙中霖1, 溫浚延1, 黃晟維2, 陳姿伶1
1光電系, 國立陽明交通大學, 新竹, Taiwan
2Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan
* Presenter:yangyi Lee, email:yangyi.ee10@nycu.edu.tw
A dual-beam optical trapping system is developed for confining the micro-scale
aerosol particles with sizes smaller than 10μm, operating at room temperature in the atmo-
sphere environment. Our system can easily reload aerosols and stably perform optical trapping
for more than hours. This stable levitated trapping system provides a versatile platform for the
observation of trapped particle oscillation or performing laser cooling for the cryogenic opera-

Keywords: Optical trapping, Aerosol, Atmosphere environment