Construct a single atom array system for atom-based quantum computing
Tsai-Ni Wang1,3*, Wun-Shan Zeng1, I-Chia Huang1,2, Ying-Cheng Chen1
1Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
3Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Tsai-Ni Wang,
Single atoms trapped in optical tweezer array has become a promising platform for quantum computing and simulation, and its capabilities of being scalable to thousands of qubits [1], nonlocal connectivity [2], and high-fidelity qubit entanglement [3] have been proved in some works these recent years.
Here we will introduce our works on building up a Cesium single atom array. We use a double MOT setup to prepare cold atom cloud at first, and use an objective lens with 0.6 NA to focused the tweezer array into about 1~2μm diameter for single atom trapping. A SLM is used for laser beam array generation, and we obtain a loading probability of about 50~60% for a ten by ten square tweezer array. We also do some characterization for understanding the performance of these optical tweezers, such as trap life time, single atom temperature in trap …and so on. We will try to improve these parameters, and do the quantum gate operations in this system for the next steps.

[1] A tweezer array with 6100 highly coherent atomic qubits, Hannah J. Manetsch et al, Mar 2024, arXiv:2403.12021v2
[2] A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays, Dolev Bluvstein1et al, Aug 2022, nature
[3] High-fidelity parallel entangling gates on a neutral atom quantum computer, Simon J. Evered et al, Apr 2023, nature

Keywords: Single atom array, Optical tweezer, Quantum computing