Thermally driven electron concentration gradient in ultrathin oxide semiconductors
Yi-Yu Pan1*, Der-Hsien Lien1
1Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yi-Yu Pan,
Ultrathin In2O3 transistors offer excellent transport properties at sub-nanometer thicknesses, but suffer from threshold voltage (Vth) instability, especially in shorter channels. This instability arises due to nonuniform heat distribution during high-energy metal deposition, creating a conductivity gradient along the channel, with higher conductivity and lower Vth near metal contacts. To verify that metal deposition causes this localized annealing effect, a reversed deposition sequence was employed, confirming the thermal origin of the Vth instability and highlighting the need for careful control during fabrication.

Keywords: ultrathin oxide semiconductor, electron concentration, high-energy metal deposition, localized annealing, threshold voltage