Parton Physics from a Heavy-quark Operator Product Expansion: Lattice QCD Calculation of the First and Second Moment of the Kaon Distribution Amplitude
Sheng Pin Chang1*, C.-J. David Lin1, William Detmold2, Anthony Grebe3, Robert Perry2, Issaku Kanamori4, Yong Zhao5
1Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
3Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
4RIKEN, Japan
5Argonne National Laboratory, USA
* Presenter:Sheng Pin Chang,
The kaon light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) is a crucial quantity in understanding the structure of hadrons. In this work, we use lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD), a powerful tool for calculating non-perturbative quantities. Since LQCD calculations are performed in Euclidean space, we apply the heavy-quark operator product expansion (HOPE) to connect light-cone parton dynamics with calculations in Euclidean space. This approach entails an OPE analysis of hadronic amplitudes in Euclidean space through the insertion of two local quark bilinears with a fictitious, valence heavy quark. We present the status of our numerical calculation for the first and second Mellin moments of the kaon LCDA obtained through the HOPE framework, advancing our understanding of parton distributions in mesons.

Keywords: Lattice QCD, Kaon Form Factor, Parton Distribution Functions, Heavy-quark Operator Product Expansion, Light-cone Distribution Amplitude