Anomalous Hall effect in room temperature ferromagnetic Fe₃GaTe₂ with patterned micro-disks
Ravish Kumar Jain1*, Li-Zai Tsai1, Ngo Trong Hai1, Hung-Yan Chang1, Raman Sankar1, Jun-Zhi Liang2, Shang-Fan Lee1
1Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei City, Taiwan
* Presenter:Ravish Kumar Jain,
Skyrmions, are known to be formed in non-centrosymmetric magnetic materials due to bulk Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), in magnetic multilayers due to symmetry breaking at the interface generating interfacial DMI and in centrosymmetric magnetic materials with strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy [1]. van der Waals room temperature ferromagnetic Fe₃GaTe₂ is a promising material to host topologically stable skyrmions due to its uniaxial (perpendicular) magnetic anisotropy. Recently, it has been reported that skyrmion lattices can be generated in Fe₃GaTe₂ by an optimized magnetic field-cooled method and such skyrmion lattices can remain stable even above room temperature [2]. For geometrically confined micro- or nano-structures, such as disks, the skyrmion spin configurations may interact with the boundaries to change topological charge [3]. In both, uniform layer or confined geometrical structure cases, the topological Hall effect may indicate the existence of skyrmions [4]. In this work, single crystals of Fe₃GaTe₂ grown by vapor transport method were studied for their magnetic and transport properties. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of the Fe₃GaTe₂ was confirmed using SQUID magnetometer. Anomalous Hall effect measurements were performed using physical property measurement system (PPMS) on exfoliated Fe₃GaTe₂ flakes fabricated into desired device structure to study the influence of shape anisotropy effect on magnetic configuration. This study is intended for exploring the potential of Fe₃GaTe₂ for the novel field of skyrmion-based logic devices.

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3. T. B. Winkler, K. Litzius, A. de Lucia, M. Weißenhofer, H. Fangohr, and M. Kläui, Skyrmion states in disk geometry, Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 044014 (2021).
4. G. Zhang, Q. Luo, X. Wen, H. Wu, L. Yang, W. Jin, L. Li, J. Zhang, W. Zhang, H. Shu, and H. Chang, Giant 2D skyrmion topological Hall effect with ultrawide temperature window and low-current manipulation in 2D room-temperature ferromagnetic crystals, Chinese Physics Letters 40, 117501 (2023).

Keywords: van der Waals material, Anomalous Hall effect, Fe3GaTe2, transport properties, spin configuration