Narrow-line mediated Sisyphus cooling for enhanced performance in quantum sensors
Chun-Chia Chen1*
1Institute of Atomic and Molecule Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Chun-Chia Chen,
Quantum sensors using optical clocks hold immense promise for applications such as the redefinition of the second and detecting gravitational waves. In this talk, I will present a variety of novel cooling techniques centered on narrow-line mediated Sisyphus cooling of alkaline-earth(-like) neutral atoms. This method significantly improves the performance of both state-of-the-art optical lattice clocks and next-generation continuous atomic sources for zero-dead-time quantum sensors. For 1D optical lattice clocks, our cooling technique achieves sub-recoil temperatures, potentially leading to reduced ac-Stark shift uncertainty. For continuous atomic sources, the Sisyphus cooling scheme demonstrates a nearly-tenfold improvement in the cooling rate, enabling higher flux in a continuous magic-wavelength lattice-guided atomic beam.
Keywords: 冷原子, 精密量測, 光譜學