Photon number resolution using sinusoidal wave gated In-GaAs/InAlAs single photon avalanche diode
Yi-Shan Lee1*
1Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yi-Shan Lee,
In this study, we present a comprehensive demonstration of the photon number-resolving (PNR) capability achieved through the intrinsic gain properties of an InGaAs/InAlAs single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) under sinusoidal gating. The operating window of the device is dynamically adjustable by altering the gating frequency, enabling a balance between detection sensitivity and photon discrimination. Specifically, at higher gating frequencies, the gate window narrows, which enhances the capability to resolve lower photon numbers with improved discrimination. Conversely, lower gating frequencies expand the detection window, thus increasing the photon detection efficiency and supporting the PNR function by capturing a broader photon number range.

Additionally, the sinusoidal gating method provides a versatile approach to modulating avalanche carrier production. By tuning the DC bias level, sinusoidal amplitude, and gating frequency, the avalanche gain can be precisely controlled, offering a customizable framew

Keywords: single-photon avalanche diode, photon number-resolving, quantum communication