Impact of theoretical precision on the discovery reach of neutrinoless double beta decay
MANOJ KUMAR SINGH1*, Henry Tsz-King Wong1
1Physics, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Nangang, Taiwan
Globally, researchers are actively advancing experimental efforts to detect neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), a rare nuclear process that, if observed, could reveal crucial insights into the nature of neutrinos and contribute to an enhanced understanding of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The next wave of 0νββ experiments are anticipated to achieve sufficient sensitivity needed to probe the inverted mass hierarchy (IH) region. These advancements may also allow us to extend our reach into the normal hierarchy (NH) region, offering unprecedented insight into the ordering of neutrino masses. Achieving the long-desired result is contingent upon the resolution of theoretical uncertainties, particularly those linked to nuclear physics matrix elements. If these uncertainties can be considered negligible, or if nature follows the most optimistic expectations derived from present values, then the anticipated outcome is plausible. In the event that nuclear
physics models predict minimal matrix element values, and if the actual physical scenario aligns with the most conservative assumptions, significant experimental advancements will be required to explore even the inverted hierarchy region. This presentation will explore the impact of theoretical limitations on experimental frameworks and evaluate the current expectations regarding the detection of 0νββ events.

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Keywords: Double beta decay, Nuclear Matrix Elements, Discovery potential