Non-Volatile Floating-Gate Photomemory with Ultrafast and Multi-Level Memory Behavior
Jung-Yao Chen1*
1Department of Photonics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City 701, Taiwan
* Presenter:Jung-Yao Chen,
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) that integrate multiple photonic components have shown promising application on data communication system with the features of high speed, large integration capacity and low thermal effects. It is of great urgency to exploration of corresponding photonic components such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), image sensors, opto-couplers, photodiodes, and non-volatile flash photomemory. Among the plethora of derivatives in optical wireless communications, non-volatile flash photomemory is of particular interest since it is the essential building block of computation technology for nowadays big database storage device. However, the key mechanisms behind the photo-recording functionality have not been well explored. Besides, guidelines for selecting photoactive materials in photomemory to achieve ultrafast photo-programming times are scarcely discussed. In this talk, the proposed mechanism, diverse strategies aimed at realizing ultrafast photo-programming behaviors and the application of photomemory on in-memory computation will be discussed.
Keywords: Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskite, Non-volatile Floating-gate Photomemory, Polymer, Organic-inorganic Composite Material