Online registration is open until January 4, 2025, at 24:00 開放線上註冊至2025/1/4 24:00 | Early Bird 早鳥價 Before or on Nov. 30 於2024/11/30(含)前繳費者 | Late Bird 晚鳥價 Before or on Jan. 4 於2025/1/4(含)前繳費者 | On-site Payment on or after Jan. 14 於2025/1/14(含)後繳費者 *** |
Regular Participant 一般會員 * | NT$ 3,000 | NT$ 4,000 | NT$ 4,500 |
Student or Assistant 學生、助理 | NT$ 1,300 | NT$ 1,800 | NT$ 2,300 |
Retired Teacher 退休教師 | NT$ 1,300 | NT$ 1,800 | NT$ 2,300 |
TPS Life Member 永久會員 | NT$ 2,400 | NT$ 3,000 | NT$ 3,000 |
TPS Reciprocal Member Societies 台灣物理學會互惠學會 ** | Regular Participant 一般會員 | NT$ 3,000 | NT$ 4,000 | NT$ 4,000 |
Student or Assistant 學生、助理 | NT$ 1,300 | NT$ 1,800 | NT$ 1,800 |
Retired TPS Life Member 已退休永久會員 | Free | Free | Free |
* Registration fees will be determined based on the 'payment schedule.' Please ensure that payment is completed promptly after the registration process.
* Regular participants include post-docs, researchers, professors, and the general public.
* All participants, including invited speakers and jury members, are required to register and make payment. Retired TPS life members and Plenary Talks speakers are exempt from payment but still need to register.
** List of TPS Sister Associations【Click here】
*** 現場繳費不收現金 On-site payment does not accept cash
Optional fees:Banquet NT$950/person, Special Price NT$550/person for first 250 students
其他費用:晚宴每人 NT$950,學生優惠價 NT$550元(限額250位)。
托育服務 Childcare service
0~6歲/ 7~12 歲的兒童
A. 0~6 歲兒童:每人 NT$1600/日 (含保險、午餐費用)9:00~17:00
B. 7~12歲兒童:每人 NT$800/日 (含保險、午餐費用)9:00~17:00
C. 使用接駁車服務,額外增收交通費100元
0~6 歲兒童 :高雄市前金大同社宅 網址
*付費完成,才屬報名完成,謝謝! 申請托育人數需滿5人,若人數未滿恕不提供托育服務,敬請見諒。費用部分將於年會後再行退款。
Child Care Age Groups:
0-6 years old / 7-12 years old
Child Care Fees:
A. Children aged 0-6: NT$1,600 per child per day (includes insurance and lunch) 9:00~17:00
B. Children aged 7-12: NT$800 per child per day (includes insurance and lunch) 9:00~17:00
C. An additional transportation fee of 100 NTD will be charged for using the shuttle service.
Daycare Location:
Children aged 0-6 :Qianjin Datong Social Housing, Kaohsiung City website
*If the applications of the service of child day-care are fewer than five people, the service will not be provided. And the refunds will be made by remittance after the annual meeting.