1. 15 /January /2025 (Wed.) | 量子物理啟發的方法:演算法與應用 Quantum inspired method: algorithms and applications | 9:00-10:30 Chair:黃一平 | 黃一平 (清華大學物理學系) Yi-Ping Huang (Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University ) 鍾佳民 (中山大學物理學系) Chia-Min Chung (Department of Physics, National Sun Yet-Sen University ) 陳柏中 (清華大學物理學系) Pochung Chen (Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University ) 高英哲 (台灣大學物理學系) Ying-Jer Kao (Department of Physics, National Taiwan University) | This symposium will dive into the latest advances in algorithms inspired by quantum mechanics and address critical challenges that call for interdisciplinary collaboration. We are bringing together international and domestic speakers working at the intersection of quantum technologies, many-body physics, machine learning, and high-performance computing. By harnessing the synergy of these diverse fields, we aim to uncover new insights and shape the future of science and technology. |