A: 2025物理年會將於國立中山大學舉行,主要的會場將聚集在:【逸仙館】、【理學院】、【社會科學院】、【國研大樓】、【行政大樓前廣場】以及【中庭】。
Where exactly will the conference take place?
A: The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan will be held at National Sun Yat-sen University. The main venues are located in: “Sun Yat-sen Hall”, “the College of Science”, “the College of Social Sciences”, “Building of International Research”, “the Plaza in front of the Administration Building”, and “the Square”.
A: 可至【物理年會官網-Introduction-Venue Map】查看詳細地圖
Is there a detailed map or floor plan of the venue available for download?
A: You can view the detailed map on the 【TPS Website–2025 Annual Meeting】 under the 【Introduction - Venue Map】 section.
A: 議程教室將於活動前30分鐘開放入場,若是活動結束後無接續其他議程使用此教室,議程教室將在活動結束後30分鐘關閉,不開放人員進出,若有需求,請找尋大會工作人員尋求協助。
What are the opening and closing times for the session rooms each day?
A: The session rooms will open 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the event. If no subsequent sessions are scheduled in the same room, the session rooms will close 30 minutes after the event ends and will not be accessible. If assistance is needed, please contact the conference staff.
A: 若議程日程表並無標示此教室有活動進行,此空間將為關閉狀態,不開放人員進出。
Do the opening times for different activity areas within the venue vary?
A: If a session room is not listed in the schedule for a particular event, that space will remain closed and will not be accessible.
A: 參與者務必至大會報到區領取識別證,此識別證將用於年會三日的大小事宜。
What is the entry process for the venue?
A: Participants must pick up their identification badges at the conference registration area. These badges will be required for all activities throughout the three days of the conference.
A: 部分會議空間及教室不開放飲食,請注意會議空間外的標誌,若是標示禁止飲食,請勿攜帶任何食品及飲品進入會議空間。
Is it allowed to bring outside food or drinks into the venue?
A: Some conference spaces and session rooms do not allow food or drinks. Please pay attention to the signs outside these areas. If a space is marked as prohibiting food and drinks, do not bring any food or beverages into that area.
A: 行李寄放區設置在理學院 ,若有需要行李寄放服務,請自行到教室登記寄放。行李寄放區只會在固定時段開放進出,其餘時間則不開放人員進出。若有需求,請找尋大會工作人員尋求協助。
2025/1/14 08:30~13:00、17:00~21:00
2025/1/15 08:00~13:00、17:00~21:00
2025/1/16 08:00~13:00、17:00~19:00
Does the venue provide luggage storage services?
A: The luggage storage area is located in the College of Science. If you need to store your luggage, please go to the designated classroom to register. The luggage storage area will only be accessible during specific time slots and will remain closed outside of these hours. If you require assistance, please contact the event staff.
Operating Hours:
2025/1/14: 08:30–13:00, 17:00–21:00
2025/1/15: 08:00–13:00, 17:00–21:00
2025/1/16: 08:00–13:00, 17:00–19:00
A: 大會提供免費的Wi-Fi供全體與會者使用,請翻閱大會手冊,將會看到登入辦法,有需要者請按照手冊上的指示,即可使用無線網路。
Does the venue provide free Wi-Fi? How can I connect?
A: The conference offers free Wi-Fi for all attendees. Please refer to the conference manual for login instructions. If needed, follow the directions in the manual to access the wireless network.
A: 大會不提供手機充電站,若是有手機充電需求,可至附近超商租借行動電源做使用。
Are there mobile charging stations available at the venue?
A: The conference does not provide mobile charging stations. If you need to charge your phone, you can rent a power bank from a nearby convenience store.
A: 在【理學院】、【社會科學學院】、【逸仙館】、【國研大樓】皆有洗手間供與會者做使用。
Where are the restrooms located at the venue?
A: Restrooms are available in the College of Science, College of Social Sciences, Sun Yat-sen Hall, and Building of International Research for attendees to use. College of Science, College of Social Sciences, and Yat-sen Hall for attendees to use.
A: 【中庭】為用餐休息區,提供桌椅、茶點給與會者自由使用,周遭也有進駐餐車供與會者選擇。
Is there a resting area at the venue?
A: The Square serves as the dining and resting area, offering tables, chairs, and refreshments for attendees to use freely. There are also food trucks nearby for additional options.
A: 會場中庭有進駐餐車與餐盒,與會者可自行選擇偏好的飲食,周圍也將供應免費的茶點供與會者自行取用。
Is food and beverage service available at the venue? What are the dining options?
A: Food trucks and boxed meals will be available in the venue’s square, giving attendees the flexibility to choose their preferred dining options. Additionally, complimentary snacks and refreshments will be provided nearby for attendees to enjoy.
2. Tea Time會在哪裡供應呢?
A: Tea Time時段會擺放茶點在【社會科學院1F】、【理學院1F】。【國研大樓1F】只有1/16早上的Tea Time供應茶點。
Tea Time:
1/14 TUE 16:00-16:30
1/15 WED 10:30-11:10、15:00-15:30
1/16 THU 10:30-11:00、15:30-16:00
Where will Tea Time be provided?
A: During Tea Time, refreshments will be available at 1F of the College of Social Sciences and 1F of the College of Science. At 1F of the National Research Building, refreshments will only be provided during the morning Tea Time on January 16th.
Tea Time:
1/14 TUE 16:00-16:30
1/15 WED 10:30-11:10、15:00-15:30
1/16 THU 10:30-11:00、15:30-16:00
A: 每個場所皆有設置【無障礙坡道及電梯】供行動不便者做使用。
Is the venue equipped with accessible pathways?
A: Each location is equipped with **accessible ramps and elevators** for individuals with mobility challenges.
A: 每個場所皆有設置【無障礙坡道及電梯】供行動不便者做使用。
Is the venue equipped with accessible pathways?
A: Each location is equipped with **accessible ramps and elevators** for individuals with mobility challenges.
- 捷運:可轉乘公車、接駁車至本校,也能使用YouBike騎乘至本校。
- 高雄火車站:可搭乘捷運,至美麗島轉乘橘線至哈瑪星站,利用公車、接駁車、YouBike等交通工具至本校;也能直接搭乘公車至本校。
- 新左營高鐵站:可搭乘紅52公車直達本校;也能使用捷運、火車等交通系統至本校。
What public transportation options are available to reach the venue?
A: You can check detailed transportation information on the 【TPS Website–2025 Annual Meeting】 under the 【Introduction - Venue Map】.
- MRT: You can transfer to a bus, shuttle, or use YouBike to reach the campus.
- Kaohsiung Train Station: Take the MRT to Formosa Boulevard Station, transfer to the Orange Line, and get off at Hamasen Station. From there, use buses, shuttles, or YouBike to reach the campus. You can also take a direct bus to the campus.
- Zuoying High-Speed Rail Station: Take the Red 52 bus directly to the campus. You can also use the MRT or train systems to reach the campus.
Is there a shuttle service?
A: During peak hours of the three-day 2025 TPS conference, shuttles will be arranged to transport participants from the MRT station (Hamasen Station, Exit 2) to the entrance of the Sizihwan Tunnel. After getting off the shuttle, guests can walk through the tunnel to reach the conference venue. At other times, participants are encouraged to use other public transportation to reach our school. Detailed shuttle information can be found under 【Transportation】.
A: 晚宴餐廳為【西子灣沙灘會館】位於校內,距離大會會場約步行5~10分鐘,議程結束後可自行步行至會場。詳細位置可查看校園地圖。
How far is it from the conference venue to the banquet venue?
A: The banquet will be held at the Sunset Beach Resort, located on campus, about a 5-10 minute walk from the conference venue. After the sessions conclude, you can walk to the venue on your own. For the exact location, please refer to the campus map.
A: 不提供免費停車,但提供【停車優惠】。 本校採取自動車牌辨別系統,來賓可直接進入【海堤停車場】,屆時停泊完車後,在報到後前往【停車專區】繳交停車費並索取停車券,離場時至停車繳費機做折抵的動作,即可順利離場。若是在報到後沒有前往停車專區繳交停車費做領取停車券的動作,離場時須按原價於停車繳費機繳費。 但由於校內停車空間有限,鼓勵與會來賓多利用大眾交通運輸工具前往本校。
Is free parking available?
A: Free parking is not available, but discounted parking is offered.
Our school uses an automatic license plate recognition system, and guests can directly enter the 【The Pier Parking Lot】. After parking, guests can proceed to the Parking Area after check-in to pay the parking fee and collect a parking voucher. Before leaving, guests can use the parking voucher at the payment machine for a discount to exit the lot smoothly. If the guest does not visit the Parking Area after check-in to pay the fee and collect the parking voucher, they will need to pay the full price at the payment machine when leaving.
Due to the limited parking spaces on campus, we encourage guests to use public transportation to visit our school.
A: 請至大會服務台做詢問與登記,若是有找尋到遺失物品會與您聯繫。
What should I do if I lose an item at the venue?
A: Please inquire and register at the conference service desk. If your lost item is found, you will be contacted.