領域 | 發表編號 | 學校 Affiliation | 系所 Department | Presenter (英文姓名) | Presenter (中文名字) | 論文題目 Paper Title | 職稱 Title |
AI-加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation Development | P1-AI-005 | 國立中央大學 | 物理系 | Yu-Siang Xiao | 蕭宇翔 | LYSO Crystal Performance Results in Beam Test for EPIC-EIC ZDC EM-Cal | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-008 | 國立清華大學 | Physics | Yen-Yun Lin | 林晏筠 | Topological Hall transport from first-order reversal curve study | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-017 | 國立臺灣大學 | Material Science and Engineering | Tzu Yen Hung | 洪子晏 | Spin Dynamics for Solving Unconventional Computing with SHNO-Based Ising Machines | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-021 | 國立臺灣大學 | 應用物理學研究所 | Shuan-Cheng Mai | 麥軒誠 | Crystalline-dependent spin-orbit torques in topological superconductor β-Bi2Pd | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-037 | 國立成功大學 | 物理系 | Tsai-Ling Liu | 劉采靈 | Study of the B-site Substitution Effect in the Double-layered Perovskite YBCuFeO5 | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-044 | 國立中山大學 | 物理學系 | I-Hsiang Yen | 顏翊翔 | Successive multiferroic orderings in Na₄Ni₇(PO₄)₆ polar magnetic oxide | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics | P2-MSP-045 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 電子物理系 | Po-Yuan Hsiao | 蕭博元 | Observation of unusual magnetization reversal behavior during field sweeping in polar antiferromagnetic (Fe1-xZnx)2Mo3O8 | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-005 | 國立陽明交通大學 | College of Photonics | Chia-Tung Chang | 張嘉桐 | Quantification of Immunoassays by Haze Measurement in Nematic Thermotropic and Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals as Biotransducers. | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-006 | 國立中正大學 | Physics | Chen-Wei Wang | 王榛煒 | Differential Phase Contrast Microscopy | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-016 | 國立成功大學 | Photonics | Guan-Ting Lu | 盧冠廷 | Period-one nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers subject to comb-like optical injection for multiband microwave generation and modulation | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-024 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 光電工程研究所 | Wei-Cheng Cheng | 鄭偉成 | Light Scattering and Orientation Fluctuation in Liquid Crystal Lens | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-030 | 國立臺灣大學 | Physics | Hao-Yu Cheng | 鄭皓宇 | Controlling Photoresponse in VO₂: Adjusting Amplitude and Response Speed through Phase Manipulation | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-035 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 電子物理系 | Ping-Yi Wang | 汪秉毅 | Investigating the carrier relaxation process of magnetic cobalt ferrite | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-037 | 國立陽明交通大學 | Institiute of Electronics | Mao-Feng Chiang | 江貿豐 | Deep-Ultraviolet High Quality Factor Metasurface | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-040 | 國立臺灣大學 | 工程科學與海洋工程研究所 | Li-Yu Chen | 陳力瑜 | High Efficiency and Ultra-Broadband Near Infrared Polarization Beam Splitter for High Spectral Resolution Polarimetric Imaging | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-057 | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology | Luthviyah Choirotul Muhimmah | 露維亞 | Composition-Driven Bandgap Engineering and Emission Tunability in GaTe1−xSex and GaTe1−xSx Ternary Alloys | 博士後研究員 (Postdoctoral Fellow) |
OP-光學 Optics and Photonics | P2-OP-069 | 國立中正大學 | 物理學系 | Ya-Ting Kang | 康雅婷 | An imaging device based on fluorescent diamonds as scintillators for extreme ultraviolet to soft X-ray radiation | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials | P1-SC-001 | 國立臺灣大學 | Physics | Chia-Ju Lee | 李家儒 | Thickness-Dependent Optical Conductivity of CoSi Thin Film Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials | P1-SC-009 | 國立東華大學 | Physics | Ramesh Lalmani Yadav | | Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of Cu2-xTe (x ~ 0.09) Single Crystals | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials | P1-SC-015 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 電子物理所 | Hsiang-Huan Lee | 李向桓 | Enhancing Superconducting Qubit Coherence: Optimizing Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Tantalum Films | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials | P1-SC-021 | 東京大学 (JP) | Physics | Masashige Miyamoto | | Essential Ingredients for Superconductivity in the Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-007 | 國立清華大學 | Department of Engineering and System Science | Yi-Chen Tsai | 蔡宜臻 | Transparency study in contact geometry-asymmetric graphene Josephson Junctions | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-023 | 國立成功大學 | Physics | Yu-Ting Lin | 林妤庭 | Formation and Manipulation of Topological Ferroelectric Vortices in Multiferroic BiFeO3. | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-034 | 國立清華大學 | Material science and Engineering | You Jie Lin | 林祐頡 | Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional Monolayer (1L)-Molybdenum Disulfide Induced by Atomic S-Basal Plane Gliding via Synchrotron X-ray Monochromatic Beam Radiation for Superior Electronic Performance | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-037 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 材料所 | Qian-Hui Wang | 王芊惠 | Exploring the Impact of Interfacial Interactions on the Electronic Structure of WSe₂/Graphene Heterojunctions for Advanced Electronic Devices | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-049 | 國立清華大學 | 材料科學工程學系 | Heng-Cheng Tung | 董恆成 | Oxide-mediated Strategies for Selective Growth of Molybdenum Disulfide arrays on Sapphire Substrate | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics | P1-SL-055 | 國立臺灣大學 | 物理學系 | XINYANG BI | 畢欣陽 | Pt @ WS2 - the Photogalvanic Current of Magnetic Field beyond Room Temperature
| 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-002 | 國立臺灣大學 | 工程科學及海洋工程學系 | Mien Chin | 秦勉 | Achieving Tunable Mid-Infrared Thermal Emission incorporating Phase-Change Materials in Asymmetric Metallic Metasurfaces Driven by Quasi-BICs | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-006 | 國立臺灣科技大學 | 應用科技研究所 | Ruo-Ting Yin | 殷若庭 | Quasi Photo-Dember effect on Photoconduction in InSe Layered Crystals | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-016 | 國立中山大學 | 材料與光電科學學系 | Yi-Huang Chen | 陳宜煌 | Abnormal Threshold Voltage Shift during Recovery of Off-state Stress in p-GaN HEMT | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-018 | 國立臺灣大學 | Institute of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering | Chen-Wei Kuo | 郭宸維 | Comparative Analysis of Silver Coating Techniques on Cicada Wing for SERS: A Study on Sputtering and E-Gun Deposition Methods | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-031 | 國立臺灣大學 | 物理所 | Cheng-Hsun Yang | 楊承勳 | Charge-transfer dynamics between photocatalyst surface and adsorbed carbon dioxide and water molecules | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校一年級或二年級(freshman or sophomore) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-035 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 電子物理所 | Sheng-Zai Liu | 劉陞再 | Atomic layer deposit Hafnium Dioxide on Hexagonal boron nitride monolayer films grown by chemical vapor deposition on Single-Crystal Copper | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-043 | 國立中興大學 | physics | Chiu-Chu Hsu | 許玖筑 | Role of ultrathin AlxTiyOz interlayers in TiOx bipolar resistance switching devices. | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-045 | 國立陽明交通大學 | 光電系統所 | Tsu-Tung kuang | 匡祖彤 | Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in Combination with Microfluidic Devices for Controlled Synthesis of Perovskite Nanoparticles | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-060 | 中央研究院 | Research Center for Applied Sciences | Anjali Thakran | 安佳莉 | Scalable Transfer Printing Techniques for High-Performance Organometallic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-066 | 國立清華大學 | 半導體學院College of Semiconductor Research | Weng-Kent Chan | 陳永健 | Mechanistic Understanding of Enhancing Photoluminescence Intensity through CsPbI₃ QDs-WS₂ Heterostructures: A DFT Study | 博士生 (PhD Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-068 | 中央研究院 | 原子與分子科學研究所 | SHENG JUN HU | 胡勝鈞 | "Influence of Substrate Facets on the Epitaxial Growth of Large-Area 2D Tungsten Nitrides (W5N6) | 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-075 | 國立成功大學 | 光電系 | Jun-Zhi Feng | 馮俊智 | Enhanced performance of quasi-2D phototransistors utilizing all-inorganic perovskite quantum dots and 1T'-MoTe₂ for superior photoresponsivity | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-078 | 國立清華大學 | 物理學系 | Yi-Chun Huang | 黃羿竣 | Crack Density Characterization of Polycrystalline FAPbI3 Thin Films and Their Photovoltaic Responses | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-097 | 國立台北科技大學 | 光電工程系 | Yu-Cheng Hou | 侯禹丞 | Realization of solid state organic dye laser using CBP as host material | 碩士生 (Master Student) |
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics | P2-SOE-099 | 國立成功大學 | Photonics | Chia-Kai Lin | 林家愷 | Biexciton Lasing in Quasi-2D (BA)₂(MA)₂Pb₃I₁₀ Perovskite Flake | 研究助理 (Research Assistant) |