得獎者請務必親自出席領獎。閉幕典禮與頒獎將於2025年1月16日16:00~17:30 假 國立中山大學逸仙館舉行。



領獎重要資訊 Important Award Notification


Paper Title
第01組 (SL表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics)A4-OAS-002國立陽明交通大學電子物理學系Yu-Chan Tai戴毓展Quantum Coherence in Image-Potential States on Graphene/Ir(111)博士生
(PhD Student)
第09組 (PF粒子與場 Particles and Fields)I4-OAS-005國立中央大學Department of PhysicsCheng-Wei Shih施承瑋Status of the sPHENIX experiment博士生
(PhD Student)
第10組 (AG天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and Cosmology)J4-OAS-002國立清華大學Institute of AstronomySurojit Saha蘇哈杰Accelerated Parameter Estimation of Kilonova Implementing Conditional Variational Autoencoder 博士生
(PhD Student)



領獎重要資訊 Important Award Notification


Paper Title
第01組 (SL表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics)A4-OAS-003國立臺灣大學Graduate School of Advanced TechnologyHao-Yu Chen陳皓郁Quantum Quasiparticle Interference Technique and Its Studies in Atomically Thin Semiconductors博士生
(PhD Student)
第02組 (SOE半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics)B4-OAS-005國立臺灣師範大學physicsTzu-Hao Kuo郭慈豪Sliding Ferroelectric Memory Transistors based on 2D materials碩士生
(Master Student)
第03組 (MSP磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics)C4-OAS-003國立臺灣大學材料科學與工程學系Chun-Yi Lin林俊逸Field-Free Spin-Orbit Torque Switching via Oscillatory Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction博士生
(PhD Student)
第04組 (SC超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials)D4-OAS-002國立臺灣大學PhysicsMing-Chun Jiang江明寯Ab initio study on magnetism suppression, anharmonicity, rattling mode, and superconductivity in Sc6MTe2 (M=Fe,Co,Ni)博士生
(PhD Student)
第05組 (OP光學 Optics and Photonics)E4-OAS-006國立中央大學物理學系 Department of physicsJHENG-YU LEE李政諭Energetic picosecond 10.2-μm pulses generated in a BGGSe crystal for nonlinear seeding of terawatt-class CO₂ amplifier博士生
(PhD Student)
第06組 (BPI生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-Imaging)F4-OAS-004國立中央大學物理系Yun-Xuan Zhang張允瑄Collective dynamical behavior of natural killer cells under co-culturing with self/non-self cells 博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
第07組 (SM軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical Mechanics)G4-OAS-001國立清華大學PhysicsHsiang-Yun Tseng曾湘芸The Effects of Collective Motion on a Predator-Prey system碩士生
(Master Student)
第08組 (QI量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum Computing)H4-OAS-006國立臺灣大學PhysicsCheng-Lin Lee李承霖Squeezed Thermal Reservoir Engineering via Linear Interactions碩士生
(Master Student)
第09組 (PF粒子與場 Particles and Fields)I4-OAS-004國立中央大學PhysicsYu-Hsuan Chou周禹璇Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bbγγ final state for Run-2博士生
(PhD Student)
第10組 (AG天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and Cosmology)J4-OAS-006國立臺灣師範大學物理學系Jyun-Heng Lin林雋恒The Angular Momentum Loss in the Envelope-Disk Transition Region of the HH111 Protostellar System with ALMA: Potential Evidence for Magnetic Braking大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
第11組 (PP電漿物理 Plasma Physics)K4-OAS-005國立中央大學PhysicsWei-Shuo Lo羅偉碩Acoustic vorticity wave vortices as coherent excitations in thermally driven dusty plasma crystal博士生
(PhD Student)
第12組 (AI加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation Development)L4-OAS-003國立中央大學PhysicsShan-You Teng鄧善友Short Bunch Effects in Laser-Plasma Accelerator Driven High Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Lasers博士生
(PhD Student)
第13組 (AM原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular Physics)M4-OAS-002中央研究院Institute of Atomic and Molecular SciencesMuhammad Hasan莫哈桑High fidelity control of a many-body Tonks-Girardeau gas with an effective mean-field approach 博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
第14組 (EES新興能源科學 Emerging Energy Science)N4-OAS-001國立臺灣大學Department of PhysicsSeptia Kholimatussadiah施緹亞Probing nanoscale electron transfer and hydrogen evolution reaction at two-dimensional materials by scanning electrochemical microscopy博士生
(PhD Student)



領獎重要資訊 Important Award Notification


Paper Title
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-002國立中興大學PhysicsMohanraj Madheshwaran Machine learning classification of baseband data of CHIME FRBs 碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-006國立清華大學物理所Yu-An Chen陳俞安Brown dwarf number density in the JWST COSMOS-Web field碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-010國立清華大學Institute of AstronomyLin Shang-Jing林上景CO Polarization from GK Effect: Mapping Magnetic Field in Orion KL碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-020國立中央大學PhysicsShun-Lin Tseng曾舜琳The formation of precursors of nitrogen-containing complex organic molecules via electron irradiation of interstellar ices碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-026國立中央大學Department of Space Science and EngineeringHua-Shan Shih施驊珊Photochemical effects in atmospheric evolution of early Mars博士生
(PhD Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-067國立中央大學PhysicsJia-syuan Wu吳家璇Deciphering the Nature of Extreme Horizontal Stellar Members in the Old but Populous Galactic Open Cluster NGC 6791大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-068國立中央大學Institute of AstronomyChen Yu Tai戴辰宇Simultaneous Multisite Monitoring Campaign of the Nearby Red Dwarf GJ 3147碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-072國立中央大學Graduate institute of AstronomyMeng-Han Lee李孟翰Fast fading transient classification: spectrum analysis of Cataclysmic Variables (CVs)碩士生
(Master Student)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-008國立成功大學PhysicsZi-Yu Liu劉子瑜Superradiant telecom-to-near-infrared biphoton generation in a diamond-type atomic ensemble with broadly tunable bandwidth博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-011國立臺灣大學物理系Kuan Lee李冠Toward atomic sensors with millimeter resolution大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-015國立臺灣大學中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所De-Chen Nian粘德辰Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Cooling of Rubidium Atoms in Optical Lattice碩士生
(Master Student)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-001國立臺灣大學物理學系Dong-Han Li李東翰Neuron-scale Brain Entropy: Decode Behavior and Consciousness in Optical Imaging碩士生
(Master Student)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-009中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所Hsiang-Yu Chen陳庠宇Interferometric Scattering Correlation Spectroscopy (iSCORS) for Spatially Resolved Nanoparticle Diffusion and Flow Analysis大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-017中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所Bo-Kuan Wu吳柏寬Enhancing Interferometric Scattering Microscopy by Optimizing Light Coherence for Mass Detection and cellular dynamics研究助理
(Research Assistant)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-025國立東華大學物理Chia-Hsuan Tsou鄒佳璇Interaction of Nanodiamond-drug complex in different cancer cell lines and the role of P-glycoprotein in drug resistant cancer therapy大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校一年級或二年級(freshman or sophomore)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-032金沢大学 (JP)Division of Nano Life ScienceAki Teranishi Epithelial Mechanics Exhibiting a Switch-like Transition from Elastic to Plastic Folding碩士生
(Master Student)
EES-新興能源科學 Emerging Energy ScienceP1-EES-007淡江大學尖端材料科學學士學位學程Yi-Hong Chang張億宏The evolution of local electronic and atomic structures on self-assembly nanoparticle CoO/MXene composite for water splitting catalysis大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
EES-新興能源科學 Emerging Energy ScienceP1-EES-011國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所Chun-Chi Chang張俊棋Titania Nanostructured Catalysts with Supported Ru Single Atoms for Boost Water Splitting: The Perspective of X-ray absorption Spectroscopy博士生
(PhD Student)
EES-新興能源科學 Emerging Energy ScienceP1-EES-028國立陽明交通大學Materials science and engineeringYung-Chi Su蘇雍琦Enabling low coercive voltage in HfZrO₄/BaTiO₃ heterostructure via double ferroelectric coupling 博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-009國立中央大學PhysicsYu-Hsuan Chou周禹璇Event categorization and jet pairing in HH → bbγγ for Run-3博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-013國立臺灣大學PhysicsLian-Sheng Tsai蔡連勝Measurement of gamma+c / gamma+b branching fraction ratio in pp collision at 13TeV博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-017國立臺灣大學PhysicsChen-Hua Hsu徐振華Fast HGCal Detector Simulation via Score-Based Diffusion Models碩士生
(Master Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-021國立陽明交通大學電子物理所Yen-Tin Lin林彥廷Cosmic Ray Trajectory Hardware Classification Accelerator碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP1-PP-007國立成功大學電漿所Keng-Ju Lee李耕儒Theoretical model of proton acceleration using hybrid scheme based on NCU 100-TW laser碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP1-PP-008國立中央大學物理系Jia-Wen Gu古佳文Frequency-Domain Interferometry for Measuring Plasma Density Produced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in a Gas-Filled Capillary Waveguide碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP1-PP-020國立清華大學物理Hung-Chun Hsu許弘竣Rotary Microwave Applicator for Rapid Drying and Uniform Heating博士生
(PhD Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-002淡江大學PhysicsYu-Qi Chen陳于琦Necessary multiphoton indistinguishability for entanglement in Boson sampling systems大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-012國立臺灣大學物理所Hui-Hang Chen陳暉航Scalable Crosstalk Suppression in Superconducting Qubits through Enhanced Pulse Control碩士生
(Master Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-017國立中央大學物理PoHan Chen陳柏翰Manipulation of Time-Frequency Entangled Telecom Photons via Hybrid Quantum Interference大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-025中央研究院Institute of PhysicsNien-Yu Li李念宇Characterization and reduce the flux crosstalk of the multiple superconducting qubits with couplers碩士生
(Master Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-027國立清華大學PHYSMu-Hsien Lee李沐賢Wafer-Scale Growth and Fabrication of Quantum Microwave Circuit with Strongly Disordered Superconducting Titanium Nitride碩士生
(Master Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP2-SM-005國立中正大學物理學系Cheng-Si Weng翁丞希By using the checkerboard type Background Oriented Schlieren technique to probe the thickness variation induced by surface capillary wave大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP2-SM-006國立中正大學物理學系Lin Yu Jia林郁珈Effective viscosity manipulation by using active particle suspension transported in quasi-1D micro-channel碩士生
(Master Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP2-SM-007國立中央大學物理系Jun-Zhong Wen溫焌忠Multiscale defect clustering in the melting transition of two dimensional Yukawa solids大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)



領獎重要資訊 Important Award Notification


Paper Title
AI-加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation DevelopmentP1-AI-005國立中央大學物理系Yu-Siang Xiao蕭宇翔LYSO Crystal Performance Results in Beam Test for EPIC-EIC ZDC EM-Cal碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-008國立清華大學PhysicsYen-Yun Lin林晏筠Topological Hall transport from first-order reversal curve study大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-017國立臺灣大學Material Science and EngineeringTzu Yen Hung洪子晏Spin Dynamics for Solving Unconventional Computing with SHNO-Based Ising Machines大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-021國立臺灣大學應用物理學研究所Shuan-Cheng Mai麥軒誠Crystalline-dependent spin-orbit torques in topological superconductor β-Bi2Pd博士生
(PhD Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-037國立成功大學物理系Tsai-Ling Liu劉采靈Study of the B-site Substitution Effect in the Double-layered Perovskite YBCuFeO5碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-044國立中山大學物理學系I-Hsiang Yen顏翊翔Successive multiferroic orderings in Na₄Ni₇(PO₄)₆ polar magnetic oxide碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-045國立陽明交通大學電子物理系Po-Yuan Hsiao蕭博元Observation of unusual magnetization reversal behavior during field sweeping in polar antiferromagnetic (Fe1-xZnx)2Mo3O8碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-005國立陽明交通大學College of PhotonicsChia-Tung Chang張嘉桐Quantification of Immunoassays by Haze Measurement in Nematic Thermotropic and Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals as Biotransducers.碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-006國立中正大學PhysicsChen-Wei Wang王榛煒Differential Phase Contrast Microscopy大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-016國立成功大學PhotonicsGuan-Ting Lu盧冠廷Period-one nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers subject to comb-like optical injection for multiband microwave generation and modulation博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-024國立陽明交通大學光電工程研究所Wei-Cheng Cheng鄭偉成Light Scattering and Orientation Fluctuation in Liquid Crystal Lens博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-030國立臺灣大學PhysicsHao-Yu Cheng鄭皓宇Controlling Photoresponse in VO₂: Adjusting Amplitude and Response Speed through Phase Manipulation博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-035國立陽明交通大學電子物理系Ping-Yi Wang汪秉毅Investigating the carrier relaxation process of magnetic cobalt ferrite博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-037國立陽明交通大學Institiute of ElectronicsMao-Feng Chiang江貿豐Deep-Ultraviolet High Quality Factor Metasurface碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-040國立臺灣大學工程科學與海洋工程研究所Li-Yu Chen陳力瑜High Efficiency and Ultra-Broadband Near Infrared Polarization Beam Splitter for High Spectral Resolution Polarimetric Imaging碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-057National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyGraduate Institute of Applied Science and TechnologyLuthviyah Choirotul Muhimmah露維亞Composition-Driven Bandgap Engineering and Emission Tunability in GaTe1−xSex and GaTe1−xSx Ternary Alloys博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-069國立中正大學物理學系Ya-Ting Kang康雅婷An imaging device based on fluorescent diamonds as scintillators for extreme ultraviolet to soft X-ray radiation大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-001國立臺灣大學PhysicsChia-Ju Lee李家儒Thickness-Dependent Optical Conductivity of CoSi Thin Film Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-009國立東華大學PhysicsRamesh Lalmani Yadav Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of Cu2-xTe (x ~ 0.09) Single Crystals博士生
(PhD Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-015國立陽明交通大學電子物理所Hsiang-Huan Lee李向桓Enhancing Superconducting Qubit Coherence: Optimizing Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Tantalum Films碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-021東京大学 (JP)PhysicsMasashige Miyamoto Essential Ingredients for Superconductivity in the Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy博士生
(PhD Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-007國立清華大學Department of Engineering and System ScienceYi-Chen Tsai蔡宜臻Transparency study in contact geometry-asymmetric graphene Josephson Junctions博士生
(PhD Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-023國立成功大學PhysicsYu-Ting Lin林妤庭Formation and Manipulation of Topological Ferroelectric Vortices in Multiferroic BiFeO3.碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-034國立清華大學Material science and EngineeringYou Jie Lin林祐頡Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional Monolayer (1L)-Molybdenum Disulfide Induced by Atomic S-Basal Plane Gliding via Synchrotron X-ray Monochromatic Beam Radiation for Superior Electronic Performance碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-037國立陽明交通大學材料所Qian-Hui Wang王芊惠Exploring the Impact of Interfacial Interactions on the Electronic Structure of WSe₂/Graphene Heterojunctions for Advanced Electronic Devices碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-049國立清華大學材料科學工程學系Heng-Cheng Tung董恆成Oxide-mediated Strategies for Selective Growth of Molybdenum Disulfide arrays on Sapphire Substrate碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-055國立臺灣大學物理學系XINYANG BI畢欣陽Pt @ WS2 - the Photogalvanic Current of Magnetic Field beyond Room Temperature 碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-002國立臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程學系Mien Chin秦勉Achieving Tunable Mid-Infrared Thermal Emission incorporating Phase-Change Materials in Asymmetric Metallic Metasurfaces Driven by Quasi-BICs碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-006國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所Ruo-Ting Yin殷若庭Quasi Photo-Dember effect on Photoconduction in InSe Layered Crystals碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-016國立中山大學材料與光電科學學系Yi-Huang Chen陳宜煌Abnormal Threshold Voltage Shift during Recovery of Off-state Stress in p-GaN HEMT大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-018國立臺灣大學Institute of Engineering Science and Ocean EngineeringChen-Wei Kuo郭宸維Comparative Analysis of Silver Coating Techniques on Cicada Wing for SERS: A Study on Sputtering and E-Gun Deposition Methods碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-031國立臺灣大學物理所Cheng-Hsun Yang楊承勳Charge-transfer dynamics between photocatalyst surface and adsorbed carbon dioxide and water molecules大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校一年級或二年級(freshman or sophomore)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-035國立陽明交通大學電子物理所Sheng-Zai Liu劉陞再Atomic layer deposit Hafnium Dioxide on Hexagonal boron nitride monolayer films grown by chemical vapor deposition on Single-Crystal Copper碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-043國立中興大學physicsChiu-Chu Hsu許玖筑Role of ultrathin AlxTiyOz interlayers in TiOx bipolar resistance switching devices.大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-045國立陽明交通大學光電系統所Tsu-Tung kuang匡祖彤Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in Combination with Microfluidic Devices for Controlled Synthesis of Perovskite Nanoparticles碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-060中央研究院Research Center for Applied SciencesAnjali Thakran安佳莉Scalable Transfer Printing Techniques for High-Performance Organometallic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-066國立清華大學半導體學院College of Semiconductor ResearchWeng-Kent Chan陳永健Mechanistic Understanding of Enhancing Photoluminescence Intensity through CsPbI₃ QDs-WS₂ Heterostructures: A DFT Study博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-068中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所SHENG JUN HU胡勝鈞"Influence of Substrate Facets on the Epitaxial Growth of Large-Area 2D Tungsten Nitrides (W5N6)大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-075國立成功大學光電系Jun-Zhi Feng馮俊智Enhanced performance of quasi-2D phototransistors utilizing all-inorganic perovskite quantum dots and 1T'-MoTe₂ for superior photoresponsivity碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-078國立清華大學物理學系Yi-Chun Huang黃羿竣Crack Density Characterization of Polycrystalline FAPbI3 Thin Films and Their Photovoltaic Responses碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-097國立台北科技大學光電工程系Yu-Cheng Hou侯禹丞Realization of solid state organic dye laser using CBP as host material碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-099國立成功大學PhotonicsChia-Kai Lin林家愷Biexciton Lasing in Quasi-2D (BA)₂(MA)₂Pb₃I₁₀ Perovskite Flake研究助理
(Research Assistant)



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Paper Title
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-053國立臺灣大學物理學系Ting-Kai Yang楊婷凱Arcs from the weak: Searching for strongly lensed dusty galaxies with JWST大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics, Gravity and CosmologyP1-AG-069國立成功大學物理學系Yi-De Lee李奕德Gravitational wave denoising with deep learning computer vision研究助理
(Research Assistant)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-006中央研究院Institute of Atomic and Molecular SciencesYu-Xuan Wu吳語萱Quantitative ozone detection using a T-shaped multi-pass photoacoustic cell and a quantum cascade laser at 9.46 µm研究助理
(Research Assistant)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-024國立東華大學Department of PhysicsCheng Yu Chang張丞佑Assessing the antibacterial efficacy of Nanodiamond-Polycaprolactone composites against Escherichia coli大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
EES-新興能源科學 Emerging Energy ScienceP1-EES-017國立臺灣大學分子科學與技術國際研究生博士學位學程Chih-Yang Huang黃至揚In-situ Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Adsorbate-Induced Band Bending and Photocatalytic Intermediates in CO2 Reduction Reaction 博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-010國立中央大學物理系Chen Pin-I陳品毅Diphoton production in vector boson scattering大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP1-PP-012國立中央大學Physics of DepartmentYi-Cheng Zhao趙翊丞Heterogeneous vibrational motion in the monolayer musty plasma crystal periodically driven by changing the radial confinement boundary博士生
(PhD Student)
PT-物理教學 Physics TeachingP2-PT-003菲律賓大學(PH)National Institute of PhysicsDexter To杜小田Comparison of Background Oriented Schlieren Methods for Visualizing Thermal Fields碩士生
(Master Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-029國立清華大學物理系Wei Jie Yan嚴暐傑Determining Interface Dielectric Losses in Superconducting Resonators博士生
(PhD Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP2-SM-002國立中央大學PhysicsLin-Chiao Hung洪琳喬Spatiotemporal evolution of oscillons growing from still surface of vertically vibrating water大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)



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Paper Title
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-003國立彰化師範大學物理學系Xin-Hui Wu吳心蕙Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy induced in fcc-like CoxMn1-x-based antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic alloy films大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-022國立臺灣大學物理系En Pei Liu劉恩沛Magnetic Properties of Geometric-Frustrated Double Perovskite (Hg, Ca)2MnTeO6博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-036國立臺灣師範大學物理系Min-Jia Zhang張珉嘉Growth and inspection of single orientation large-area MoS2大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-054國立陽明交通大學電子物理學系Shi-Zao Chang張時造Unveiling the material’s ultrafast dynamics by optical-pump ultrabroadband mid-infrared probe spectroscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP2-OP-061國立臺灣大學PhysicsMing-Chun Jiang江明寯Probing quantum geometry via second harmonic generation in ideal nodal line semimetal CaAgP博士生
(PhD Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-004國立臺灣大學physicsJi-Song Hsu許吉松Localized superconductivity and multiple crossing points in NbTiN thin films博士生
(PhD Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP1-SL-019國立成功大學物理學系Bo-Nian Chen陳柏年Voltage-Driven Interfacial Sliding Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Materials: Insight from Scanning Probe Microscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-033國立臺灣大學光電工程研究所Meng-Cheng Yen嚴孟城Tamm-Plasmon Perovskite Quantum Dot-based Image Sensor with High Wavelength-Selective Sensitivity博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-044國立陽明交通大學ElectrophysicsJie-Ru Yen顏婕如Exploring the Doping Strategy of Multi-Layer MoS₂ by Co-Sputtering System碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-094國立清華大學Materials Science and EngineeringYu Hsuan Tsai蔡語媗Synthesis of Phase Designed Nano-Structured 2D Materials by CW laser sublimation Transfer Process碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP2-SOE-102國立成功大學Physics DepartmentAitor Garcia-Ruiz艾飛宇Twisted Bilayer MoS₂ Under Electric Fields: a System with Tunable Symmetry 研究助理
(Research Assistant)